Solutions for Hitachi Vantara

Let Coquina help grow your Hitachi Vantara Storage Services Business

As a trusted partner, we look forward to assisting you with your Hitachi Vantara needs and many other professional services including migration, security assessment, penetration testing, managed services alerting and monitoring support, PMaaS and so many additional practice areas.


With 100% focused on providing "services only" to the partner community, our unique business model delivers real value to Channel Partners and Solution Providers.

Ultimate Storage Management Flexibility

Hitachi’s cutting-edge IT technologies such as the newest line of enterprise-grade Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) E Series, was built specifically with small and medium-sized businesses in mind, and Hitachi Vantara has selected Coquina to provide professional services for the E Series Midrange Storage solutions for Hitachi Partners. These expanded services fill a need as Hitachi looks to accelerate adoption for this class of storage in its channel. We provide certified engineers for design, integration and implementation services to help Hitachi Vantara Channel Partners to sell and deliver this exciting new storage platform. We have also expanded our professional services resources for the Hitachi NAS Platform (HNAS) including upgrade services, as the client demand continues to grow.